


To be discussed before booking the class

TRAINING FEE: Based on the course

It is the responsibility of the student to research all state and local regulations applicable in permanent cosmetics in their locality and to determine if any applicable profession regulations conflict with performing permanent cosmetic services.

Instructors, staff members, or affiliates are not responsible or reliable for any suggestions or any legal advice regarding any regulations which govern the student’s state or local governments and makes no declarations that FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich and/or associates.

A non-refundable deposit as designated per class type selected is required to reserve your place in the agreed upon class date for your training. These funds are required to be submitted with your enrollment form. The balance of the class fee is due two weeks prior to class start date.

Ones the required applicable deposit and completed student enrollment form is received for a fundamental class, pre-class training material will be emailed, or mailed, or presented in person as agreed upon.

If an unforeseen emergency dictates that a student cancels attendance in the class before the first day, or while the class is in progress, the student will be offered a date in the future as agreed upon by FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich to complete the training course.


1. To be considered for re-enrollment, student must provide in writing rationale for failing to complete scheduled program. Student must provide materials, signed within one week.

2. FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich does not offer refunds.

3. If an emergency dictates that student fails to complete enrolled course, student must make re-application, including application fees. If student followed proper dismissal guidelines for their incompletion of program, the applicant will be reconsidered for future involvement. Student must also include a personal letter stating reasons why student should be reconsidered for enrollment, additionally verifying previous emergency is resolved. Letter must be signed, and application fees included with application fee.

4.  FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich will schedule an interview to determine if student will be reaccepted to program for future dates. FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich will not overbook pre-scheduled classroom settings to accommodate, only available spaces will be permitted for re-admittance.

5. All previously paid fees to FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich are non-refundable.

6. Students will not be admitted a third time.

7. It is understood if I have any special needs required to complete the on-site portion of the class, students must notify FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics By Irina Falevich of these needs no later than two weeks in advance of the scheduled first day of class.

8. Students must understand that during the class, the procedures that will be conducted are invasive and bloodborn pathogens are a risk. It is his/her responsibility to acquire the Hepatitis B series of immunizations prior to the class date, or agrees to decline the Hepatitis B inoculation process in writing. Students shall provide copies of either of immunization for declination prior to hands on procedures. Shoulde they withhold this written information, students should understand that we will not proceed with hands-on procedures. In any case, FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics By Irina Falevich and/or associates, and FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics By Irina Falevich should not be held accountable for any accidental exposure to bloodborn pathogens during the on-site class session.

9. All students are required to take an online OSHA approved Bloodborn Pathogens class at their cost. They should provide proof of certification prior to class start date. Students may take this nationwide approved course at

10. It is understood that prior knowledge of proper topical makeup artistry application is a necessary skill and that students either currently have or will acquire these skills prior to the on-site class date. Classes with FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich is contracted for the training and application of permanent cosmetics, not topical makeup artistry.

11. FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics By Irina Falevich students are advised to arrange for models to bring to the class for hands-on work. FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich is not obligated but can assist in providing the models for hands-on practices. Times will be provided. Models will receive permanent cosmetics at the discounted rate of $150 per procedure tray set-up fee payable to FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich to cover the cost of basic fees. Students understand that models provided by the students will provide a retention and future business for the student after program completion. FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich will also offer discounted student services to the company’s overall previous client base but offers no guarantee of models. Any overage of fees via “tips” will be given to student after all credit card fee dues are taken, if any. All tips will be recorded and given at the end of course as this will assist student with business establishment.

12. Students agree to make themselves available to FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich on-site for observation, theory, and clinical setting specified dates to be agreed upon by both parties prior to enrollment.

13. If at any time during training or post-training, student makes falls claims, course training or post-class support will be permanently terminated. Student agrees to only make claims that support education received, as agreed upon by trainer.

14. Powder Brows Technique is considered as fundamental procedures and will be taught in fundamental class.


1. Classic Eyeliner, Soft Powder Eyeliner, Lip Outline, and Full Lip Color are considered as advanced techniques and will be taught in advanced classes one area and technique at a time.

2. Future advanced classes will be offered at a student discount fee of $1500 per day which is contracted under a separate agreement. Advanced classes are tipically scheduled for a minimum of two days. Exceptions can be applied.

3. FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich has informed me that it advisable to master fundamental procedures before proceeding on to specialized advanced procedures. It is understood that FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich may require photographs of before, after and healed work prior to enrolling in advanced classes and may refuse admittance to advanced classes pending students’ readiness for advanced work by seeking remediation.

4. Do you have any visual or physical impairment that will make it difficult to learn a detailed craft like permanent Cosmetics? (Good vision, working fingers, back or shoulder problems?) YES_______ or NO_______  If you answered YES, please, provide an explanation:

5. Do you have any health conditions such as epilepsy, narcolepsy, tremors, etc. that could offer safety concerns for clients during detailed procedures?
YES ____ or NO _____ If you answered YES, please, provide an explanation:

6. Attendance is mandatory, students must arrive to class on time each day and not leave early unless prescheduled and prior approval has been granted from the trainer.

7. It is understood that home study credit assignments are included in this program to meet the required number of course hours. This includes hands on practices that are done outside of the learning facility or inside of the learning facility premises.

8. Students agree to follow all instructions provided through outside-class study directions and during class and must work cohesively with fellow classmates and trainer. Confrontational, argumentative, abrasive behavior towards classmates, instructors, stuff or models will be subject to dismissal.

9. Students agree to place all personal cell phones on silent during class and may only access their devices during break.
To maintain continuity throughout this learning environment, all students agree to wear closed toe shoes to all classroom settings. Students agree to maintain proper nail hygiene by keeping nails trimmed short with rounded edges prior to class.

10. Students will be provided protection close for hands on practices such as aprons, gloves, face masks, hats to cover hair. The protection close must be worn during each hands-on practices.

11. It is understood that I must finish all hours of training including pre-class and homework study assignments, perform satisfactory hands on procedures to receive a Certificate of Completion for the class.

12. In the event models cancel their scheduled appointments, it is understood that the instructor will reschedule the event once.

13. To meet liability insurance requirements. All models are required to be photographed on all sides, up close, frontal face and must remain unfiltered and unedited. Photos are taken using property of FACE ART STUDIO. All photos are intellectual property of FACE ART STUDIO and will be shared with students as needed.

14. Students receive a basic supply kit which also includes a cosmetic tattoo machine, sample set of needles to be used during clinical hours, and eyebrows ink.
Additional needles and supplies may be purchased should the student inquire about purchasing additional supplies.

15. It is understood there is no guarantee of success in the Permanent Cosmetic Industry, and that FACE ART does not offer job placement services.

16. The class you are in rolling for is a fundamental permanent cosmetic course. On-site continuing education and advanced training courses are offered only after considerable amount of fundamental procedures are healed , and instructor deems student has adequate experience proven by healed work.

17. It is understood there is no guarantee of a “Certificate of Completion”. This certificate is rewarded only if theory is reasonably understood and design and practical work represents safe technique meeting current standards.

18. FACE ART provides all post class support for a period of two years via: email, scheduled appointments, or by phone at 347-724-3592.

19. I have read and understood all aspects of this student enrollment agreement and had the opportunity to have all my questions regarding the class answered prior to enrolling in a permanent cosmetc class offered by FACE ART.

20. Have you ever had a health-related license, certificate or permit suspended, revoked, or not renewed or had any other disciplinary action taken, or had an application for a health-related license, certificate, or permit refused by a federal, state, territory, or State of New York regulatory authority? YES / NO. If Yes, please, explain:

21. Student agrees that she/he will not perform any outside cosmetic tattooing that she/he is not ready trained for and/or licensed to do prior to the fundamental training is completed at FACE ART STUDIO.

22. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE that any illegal drug use or alcohol use anytime during the training time is grounds for automatic termination from class. No refunds or re-scheduling of any kind.

23. Property of FACE ART STUDIO that is available for your use is not part of the paid course fees. These items include but are not limited to equipment, machines, lamps, supplies, and accessories. These items can be made available for sale at or below retail cost.

24. If I drop, misuse, contaminate, or damage any equipment or supplies, I will be held responsible for all current replacement cost or repair of said equipment or its’ facilities, when such damage is a result of my abuse or misuse of such items or facilities, and/or which are damaged is a result of my negligence.

25. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE that I have read and understood all aspects of this student enrollment agreement and had the opportunity to have all my questions regarding the class answered prior to enrolling in a permanent cosmetic class offered by FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich. I further understand and agree that with all legally binding documents, legal counsel is always advised and that it is student’s choice to exercise the same.

26. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE that it is my responsibility to take Bloodborne Pathogens training prior my training with FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich. As a result of this training, I accept all responsibility for any exposure I may come in contact with as a result of failure to abide by infection control measures previously offered in training.

27. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE to turn in all copies of Bloodborne Pathogens Certification, as well as copies of B vaccination or Declination prior to class starts date.

28. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE that my signature below certifies that I have read, I understand and agree to my right and responsibilities; and that the training program, non-refundable deposit/tuition, cancellation and refund policies have been clearly explained to me and clearly understood by me, and that I have had an opportunity to ask any questions prior to the signing of my signature.




To be discussed before booking the class

TRAINING FEE: Based on the course

It is the responsibility of the student to research all state and local regulations applicable in permanent cosmetics in their locality and to determine if any applicable profession regulations conflict with performing permanent cosmetic services.

Instructors, staff members, or affiliates are not responsible or reliable for any suggestions or any legal advice regarding any regulations which govern the student’s state or local governments and makes no declarations that FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich and/or associates.

A non-refundable deposit as designated per class type selected is required to reserve your place in the agreed upon class date for your training. These funds are required to be submitted with your enrollment form. The balance of the class fee is due two weeks prior to class start date.

Ones the required applicable deposit and completed student enrollment form is received for a fundamental class, pre-class training material will be emailed, or mailed, or presented in person as agreed upon.

If an unforeseen emergency dictates that a student cancels attendance in the class before the first day, or while the class is in progress, the student will be offered a date in the future as agreed upon by FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich to complete the training course.


1. To be considered for re-enrollment, student must provide in writing rationale for failing to complete scheduled program. Student must provide materials, signed within one week.

2. FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich does not offer refunds.

3. If an emergency dictates that student fails to complete enrolled course, student must make re-application, including application fees. If student followed proper dismissal guidelines for their incompletion of program, the applicant will be reconsidered for future involvement. Student must also include a personal letter stating reasons why student should be reconsidered for enrollment, additionally verifying previous emergency is resolved. Letter must be signed, and application fees included with application fee.

4.  FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich will schedule an interview to determine if student will be reaccepted to program for future dates. FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich will not overbook pre-scheduled classroom settings to accommodate, only available spaces will be permitted for re-admittance.

5. All previously paid fees to FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich are non-refundable.

6. Students will not be admitted a third time.

7. It is understood if I have any special needs required to complete the on-site portion of the class, students must notify FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics By Irina Falevich of these needs no later than two weeks in advance of the scheduled first day of class.

8. Students must understand that during the class, the procedures that will be conducted are invasive and bloodborn pathogens are a risk. It is his/her responsibility to acquire the Hepatitis B series of immunizations prior to the class date, or agrees to decline the Hepatitis B inoculation process in writing. Students shall provide copies of either of immunization for declination prior to hands on procedures. Shoulde they withhold this written information, students should understand that we will not proceed with hands-on procedures. In any case, FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics By Irina Falevich and/or associates, and FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics By Irina Falevich should not be held accountable for any accidental exposure to bloodborn pathogens during the on-site class session.

9. All students are required to take an online OSHA approved Bloodborn Pathogens class at their cost. They should provide proof of certification prior to class start date. Students may take this nationwide approved course at

10. It is understood that prior knowledge of proper topical makeup artistry application is a necessary skill and that students either currently have or will acquire these skills prior to the on-site class date. Classes with FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich is contracted for the training and application of permanent cosmetics, not topical makeup artistry.

11. FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics By Irina Falevich students are advised to arrange for models to bring to the class for hands-on work. FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich is not obligated but can assist in providing the models for hands-on practices. Times will be provided. Models will receive permanent cosmetics at the discounted rate of $150 per procedure tray set-up fee payable to FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich to cover the cost of basic fees. Students understand that models provided by the students will provide a retention and future business for the student after program completion. FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich will also offer discounted student services to the company’s overall previous client base but offers no guarantee of models. Any overage of fees via “tips” will be given to student after all credit card fee dues are taken, if any. All tips will be recorded and given at the end of course as this will assist student with business establishment.

12. Students agree to make themselves available to FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich on-site for observation, theory, and clinical setting specified dates to be agreed upon by both parties prior to enrollment.

13. If at any time during training or post-training, student makes falls claims, course training or post-class support will be permanently terminated. Student agrees to only make claims that support education received, as agreed upon by trainer.

14. Powder Brows Technique is considered as fundamental procedures and will be taught in fundamental class.


1. Classic Eyeliner, Soft Powder Eyeliner, Lip Outline, and Full Lip Color are considered as advanced techniques and will be taught in advanced classes one area and technique at a time.

2. Future advanced classes will be offered at a student discount fee of $1500 per day which is contracted under a separate agreement. Advanced classes are tipically scheduled for a minimum of two days. Exceptions can be applied.

3. FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich has informed me that it advisable to master fundamental procedures before proceeding on to specialized advanced procedures. It is understood that FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich may require photographs of before, after and healed work prior to enrolling in advanced classes and may refuse admittance to advanced classes pending students’ readiness for advanced work by seeking remediation.

4. Do you have any visual or physical impairment that will make it difficult to learn a detailed craft like permanent Cosmetics? (Good vision, working fingers, back or shoulder problems?) YES_______ or NO_______  If you answered YES, please, provide an explanation:

5. Do you have any health conditions such as epilepsy, narcolepsy, tremors, etc. that could offer safety concerns for clients during detailed procedures?
YES ____ or NO _____ If you answered YES, please, provide an explanation:

6. Attendance is mandatory, students must arrive to class on time each day and not leave early unless prescheduled and prior approval has been granted from the trainer.

7. It is understood that home study credit assignments are included in this program to meet the required number of course hours. This includes hands on practices that are done outside of the learning facility or inside of the learning facility premises.

8. Students agree to follow all instructions provided through outside-class study directions and during class and must work cohesively with fellow classmates and trainer. Confrontational, argumentative, abrasive behavior towards classmates, instructors, stuff or models will be subject to dismissal.

9. Students agree to place all personal cell phones on silent during class and may only access their devices during break.
To maintain continuity throughout this learning environment, all students agree to wear closed toe shoes to all classroom settings. Students agree to maintain proper nail hygiene by keeping nails trimmed short with rounded edges prior to class.

10. Students will be provided protection close for hands on practices such as aprons, gloves, face masks, hats to cover hair. The protection close must be worn during each hands-on practices.

11. It is understood that I must finish all hours of training including pre-class and homework study assignments, perform satisfactory hands on procedures to receive a Certificate of Completion for the class.

12. In the event models cancel their scheduled appointments, it is understood that the instructor will reschedule the event once.

13. To meet liability insurance requirements. All models are required to be photographed on all sides, up close, frontal face and must remain unfiltered and unedited. Photos are taken using property of FACE ART STUDIO. All photos are intellectual property of FACE ART STUDIO and will be shared with students as needed.

14. Students receive a basic supply kit which also includes a cosmetic tattoo machine, sample set of needles to be used during clinical hours, and eyebrows ink.
Additional needles and supplies may be purchased should the student inquire about purchasing additional supplies.

15. It is understood there is no guarantee of success in the Permanent Cosmetic Industry, and that FACE ART does not offer job placement services.

16. The class you are in rolling for is a fundamental permanent cosmetic course. On-site continuing education and advanced training courses are offered only after considerable amount of fundamental procedures are healed , and instructor deems student has adequate experience proven by healed work.

17. It is understood there is no guarantee of a “Certificate of Completion”. This certificate is rewarded only if theory is reasonably understood and design and practical work represents safe technique meeting current standards.

18. FACE ART provides all post class support for a period of two years via: email, scheduled appointments, or by phone at 347-724-3592.

19. I have read and understood all aspects of this student enrollment agreement and had the opportunity to have all my questions regarding the class answered prior to enrolling in a permanent cosmetc class offered by FACE ART.

20. Have you ever had a health-related license, certificate or permit suspended, revoked, or not renewed or had any other disciplinary action taken, or had an application for a health-related license, certificate, or permit refused by a federal, state, territory, or State of New York regulatory authority? YES / NO. If Yes, please, explain:

21. Student agrees that she/he will not perform any outside cosmetic tattooing that she/he is not ready trained for and/or licensed to do prior to the fundamental training is completed at FACE ART STUDIO.

22. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE that any illegal drug use or alcohol use anytime during the training time is grounds for automatic termination from class. No refunds or re-scheduling of any kind.

23. Property of FACE ART STUDIO that is available for your use is not part of the paid course fees. These items include but are not limited to equipment, machines, lamps, supplies, and accessories. These items can be made available for sale at or below retail cost.

24. If I drop, misuse, contaminate, or damage any equipment or supplies, I will be held responsible for all current replacement cost or repair of said equipment or its’ facilities, when such damage is a result of my abuse or misuse of such items or facilities, and/or which are damaged is a result of my negligence.

25. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE that I have read and understood all aspects of this student enrollment agreement and had the opportunity to have all my questions regarding the class answered prior to enrolling in a permanent cosmetic class offered by FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich. I further understand and agree that with all legally binding documents, legal counsel is always advised and that it is student’s choice to exercise the same.

26. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE that it is my responsibility to take Bloodborne Pathogens training prior my training with FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich. As a result of this training, I accept all responsibility for any exposure I may come in contact with as a result of failure to abide by infection control measures previously offered in training.

27. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE to turn in all copies of Bloodborne Pathogens Certification, as well as copies of B vaccination or Declination prior to class starts date.

28. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE that my signature below certifies that I have read, I understand and agree to my right and responsibilities; and that the training program, non-refundable deposit/tuition, cancellation and refund policies have been clearly explained to me and clearly understood by me, and that I have had an opportunity to ask any questions prior to the signing of my signature.




To be discussed before booking the class

TRAINING FEE: Based on the course

It is the responsibility of the student to research all state and local regulations applicable in permanent cosmetics in their locality and to determine if any applicable profession regulations conflict with performing permanent cosmetic services.

Instructors, staff members, or affiliates are not responsible or reliable for any suggestions or any legal advice regarding any regulations which govern the student’s state or local governments and makes no declarations that FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich and/or associates.

A non-refundable deposit as designated per class type selected is required to reserve your place in the agreed upon class date for your training. These funds are required to be submitted with your enrollment form. The balance of the class fee is due two weeks prior to class start date.

Ones the required applicable deposit and completed student enrollment form is received for a fundamental class, pre-class training material will be emailed, or mailed, or presented in person as agreed upon.

If an unforeseen emergency dictates that a student cancels attendance in the class before the first day, or while the class is in progress, the student will be offered a date in the future as agreed upon by FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich to complete the training course.


1. To be considered for re-enrollment, student must provide in writing rationale for failing to complete scheduled program. Student must provide materials, signed within one week.

2. FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich does not offer refunds.

3. If an emergency dictates that student fails to complete enrolled course, student must make re-application, including application fees. If student followed proper dismissal guidelines for their incompletion of program, the applicant will be reconsidered for future involvement. Student must also include a personal letter stating reasons why student should be reconsidered for enrollment, additionally verifying previous emergency is resolved. Letter must be signed, and application fees included with application fee.

4.  FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich will schedule an interview to determine if student will be reaccepted to program for future dates. FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich will not overbook pre-scheduled classroom settings to accommodate, only available spaces will be permitted for re-admittance.

5. All previously paid fees to FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich are non-refundable.

6. Students will not be admitted a third time.

7. It is understood if I have any special needs required to complete the on-site portion of the class, students must notify FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics By Irina Falevich of these needs no later than two weeks in advance of the scheduled first day of class.

8. Students must understand that during the class, the procedures that will be conducted are invasive and bloodborn pathogens are a risk. It is his/her responsibility to acquire the Hepatitis B series of immunizations prior to the class date, or agrees to decline the Hepatitis B inoculation process in writing. Students shall provide copies of either of immunization for declination prior to hands on procedures. Shoulde they withhold this written information, students should understand that we will not proceed with hands-on procedures. In any case, FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics By Irina Falevich and/or associates, and FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics By Irina Falevich should not be held accountable for any accidental exposure to bloodborn pathogens during the on-site class session.

9. All students are required to take an online OSHA approved Bloodborn Pathogens class at their cost. They should provide proof of certification prior to class start date. Students may take this nationwide approved course at

10. It is understood that prior knowledge of proper topical makeup artistry application is a necessary skill and that students either currently have or will acquire these skills prior to the on-site class date. Classes with FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich is contracted for the training and application of permanent cosmetics, not topical makeup artistry.

11. FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics By Irina Falevich students are advised to arrange for models to bring to the class for hands-on work. FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich is not obligated but can assist in providing the models for hands-on practices. Times will be provided. Models will receive permanent cosmetics at the discounted rate of $150 per procedure tray set-up fee payable to FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich to cover the cost of basic fees. Students understand that models provided by the students will provide a retention and future business for the student after program completion. FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich will also offer discounted student services to the company’s overall previous client base but offers no guarantee of models. Any overage of fees via “tips” will be given to student after all credit card fee dues are taken, if any. All tips will be recorded and given at the end of course as this will assist student with business establishment.

12. Students agree to make themselves available to FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich on-site for observation, theory, and clinical setting specified dates to be agreed upon by both parties prior to enrollment.

13. If at any time during training or post-training, student makes falls claims, course training or post-class support will be permanently terminated. Student agrees to only make claims that support education received, as agreed upon by trainer.

14. Powder Brows Technique is considered as fundamental procedures and will be taught in fundamental class.


1. Classic Eyeliner, Soft Powder Eyeliner, Lip Outline, and Full Lip Color are considered as advanced techniques and will be taught in advanced classes one area and technique at a time.

2. Future advanced classes will be offered at a student discount fee of $1500 per day which is contracted under a separate agreement. Advanced classes are tipically scheduled for a minimum of two days. Exceptions can be applied.

3. FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich has informed me that it advisable to master fundamental procedures before proceeding on to specialized advanced procedures. It is understood that FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich may require photographs of before, after and healed work prior to enrolling in advanced classes and may refuse admittance to advanced classes pending students’ readiness for advanced work by seeking remediation.

4. Do you have any visual or physical impairment that will make it difficult to learn a detailed craft like permanent Cosmetics? (Good vision, working fingers, back or shoulder problems?) YES_______ or NO_______  If you answered YES, please, provide an explanation:

5. Do you have any health conditions such as epilepsy, narcolepsy, tremors, etc. that could offer safety concerns for clients during detailed procedures?
YES ____ or NO _____ If you answered YES, please, provide an explanation:

6. Attendance is mandatory, students must arrive to class on time each day and not leave early unless prescheduled and prior approval has been granted from the trainer.

7. It is understood that home study credit assignments are included in this program to meet the required number of course hours. This includes hands on practices that are done outside of the learning facility or inside of the learning facility premises.

8. Students agree to follow all instructions provided through outside-class study directions and during class and must work cohesively with fellow classmates and trainer. Confrontational, argumentative, abrasive behavior towards classmates, instructors, stuff or models will be subject to dismissal.

9. Students agree to place all personal cell phones on silent during class and may only access their devices during break.
To maintain continuity throughout this learning environment, all students agree to wear closed toe shoes to all classroom settings. Students agree to maintain proper nail hygiene by keeping nails trimmed short with rounded edges prior to class.

10. Students will be provided protection close for hands on practices such as aprons, gloves, face masks, hats to cover hair. The protection close must be worn during each hands-on practices.

11. It is understood that I must finish all hours of training including pre-class and homework study assignments, perform satisfactory hands on procedures to receive a Certificate of Completion for the class.

12. In the event models cancel their scheduled appointments, it is understood that the instructor will reschedule the event once.

13. To meet liability insurance requirements. All models are required to be photographed on all sides, up close, frontal face and must remain unfiltered and unedited. Photos are taken using property of FACE ART STUDIO. All photos are intellectual property of FACE ART STUDIO and will be shared with students as needed.

14. Students receive a basic supply kit which also includes a cosmetic tattoo machine, sample set of needles to be used during clinical hours, and eyebrows ink.
Additional needles and supplies may be purchased should the student inquire about purchasing additional supplies.

15. It is understood there is no guarantee of success in the Permanent Cosmetic Industry, and that FACE ART does not offer job placement services.

16. The class you are in rolling for is a fundamental permanent cosmetic course. On-site continuing education and advanced training courses are offered only after considerable amount of fundamental procedures are healed , and instructor deems student has adequate experience proven by healed work.

17. It is understood there is no guarantee of a “Certificate of Completion”. This certificate is rewarded only if theory is reasonably understood and design and practical work represents safe technique meeting current standards.

18. FACE ART provides all post class support for a period of two years via: email, scheduled appointments, or by phone at 347-724-3592.

19. I have read and understood all aspects of this student enrollment agreement and had the opportunity to have all my questions regarding the class answered prior to enrolling in a permanent cosmetc class offered by FACE ART.

20. Have you ever had a health-related license, certificate or permit suspended, revoked, or not renewed or had any other disciplinary action taken, or had an application for a health-related license, certificate, or permit refused by a federal, state, territory, or State of New York regulatory authority? YES / NO. If Yes, please, explain:

21. Student agrees that she/he will not perform any outside cosmetic tattooing that she/he is not ready trained for and/or licensed to do prior to the fundamental training is completed at FACE ART STUDIO.

22. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE that any illegal drug use or alcohol use anytime during the training time is grounds for automatic termination from class. No refunds or re-scheduling of any kind.

23. Property of FACE ART STUDIO that is available for your use is not part of the paid course fees. These items include but are not limited to equipment, machines, lamps, supplies, and accessories. These items can be made available for sale at or below retail cost.

24. If I drop, misuse, contaminate, or damage any equipment or supplies, I will be held responsible for all current replacement cost or repair of said equipment or its’ facilities, when such damage is a result of my abuse or misuse of such items or facilities, and/or which are damaged is a result of my negligence.

25. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE that I have read and understood all aspects of this student enrollment agreement and had the opportunity to have all my questions regarding the class answered prior to enrolling in a permanent cosmetic class offered by FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich. I further understand and agree that with all legally binding documents, legal counsel is always advised and that it is student’s choice to exercise the same.

26. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE that it is my responsibility to take Bloodborne Pathogens training prior my training with FACE ART Permanent Cosmetics by Irina Falevich. As a result of this training, I accept all responsibility for any exposure I may come in contact with as a result of failure to abide by infection control measures previously offered in training.

27. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE to turn in all copies of Bloodborne Pathogens Certification, as well as copies of B vaccination or Declination prior to class starts date.

28. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE that my signature below certifies that I have read, I understand and agree to my right and responsibilities; and that the training program, non-refundable deposit/tuition, cancellation and refund policies have been clearly explained to me and clearly understood by me, and that I have had an opportunity to ask any questions prior to the signing of my signature.